Overhaul and technical services in Parsian Gas Refinery Maintenance and repair services of pipelines and complexes of Hoveyzeh Gas Refinery (NGL 3200) Production management services, maintenance and repair of south Azadegan oil field in Arvandan Oil and Gas Company Maintenance and repair of all equipment and utilities of Razi Petrochemical Company Maintenance and repair of electrical equipment and systems from phase #1 to #5 in Asaluye Repair, general services and technical support in Khark Petrochemical Complex Maintenance and repair of phase #1’s equipment in Shahid Tondgouyan Petrochemical Company Operation, maintenance and repair of west Karun oil pumphouse and auxillary equipment Integrated maintenance and repair of Tehran Oil Refinery Maintenance and repair of Bouali Sina Petrochemical Company Operation and repair and provision of manpower management in loading and packaging units of Kermanshah Petrochemical Industries Company Oil extraction from 300 sinkhole in Tehran Oil Refinery Operation of PVC packaging units and maintenance and repair of operating units of Arvand Petrochemical Company Provision of specialists and manpower for maintenance and repair office of Isfahan Oil Refinery Provision of specialists and manpower for producing and firefighting deputies of Isfahan Oil Refinery Maintenance and repair of Lordegan Urea Chemical Fertilizer Complex Provision of skilled manpower for engineering and support units in Bandar Abbas Refinery